BST Eltromat offers the complete product range for web and liner guiding and tension control, homogeneous textile cord distribution, web thickness and width measurement, position-guided edge cutting systems, winder control and quality assurance.
Web guiding and web tension control on unwinders, roller accumulators and heating and cooling towers, homogeneous textile cord distribution in front of the calendar, thickness measurement on and after the calendar, position-guided edge cutting systems, width measurement systems and the web guide control and web tension control on the system out-feed are performed in a safe and reliable manner by intelligent and low-maintenance BST eltromat sensor and actuator systems.
In combination with different sensors, the SmartGuide.SFguides web or textile cord. For calender lines, BST eltromat recommends the BST eltromat full width sensor.
Edge Guiding System
The Triokanter realizes the accurate positioning of the textile cord edges before the calendar. The special BST eltromat proportional – integral guiding characteristic assures high precision independent of the web speed.
Double Expander
Corrects the width and ensures a homogeneous distribution of textile cord for subsequent production processes. For tire calendar lines BST eltromat recommends the combination with the BST eltromat full width sensor.
Winder Guiding System
The SmartGuide.WF ensures the controlled unwinding and rewinding of material and liner. Adoptions to individual conditions can be realized due to a large range of proven components, such as sensors and actuators.
Width Measurement
This system measures the widths of material in reflecting or transmitting light mode. The high performance camera CCD CAM 100 allows high precision.
Thickness Measuring System
The Indicon system delivers exact measurement results in terms of thickness of the individual layers of the top and bottom plate, total thickness and location of the steel cord inside the overall composite.
Web Tension Measuring Systems
The BTL Load 100-500 cells control the tensions of the rubber material and the textile cord during their run through the calendar line and the web and the liner at the winder.